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I took a break from streaming when my son was born at the beginning of 2023. I’ve since had a daughter as well, and things are going mighty swell. In place of streaming I started doing more exercise (yay me) but this too stopped being a thing when my wife entered the third trimester with my daughter around May 2024. Everything has settled down a bit now (as much as it can with two young children) and so I want to put all the excuses behind me and prioritise finding time for myself again through exercise and a limited stream schedule. This website relaunch is part of that, because it holds me accountable to the promises I make. This will be my first attempt at journaling any progress achieved or goals. We’re not 100% there yet, but this is day 1 of a longer term plan to focus on myself after a sustained period of putting others first. (not that there’s anything wrong with that; they do still come first in many respects…but I also think it’s important to do some self-care, in whatever form that feels natural to you.)